Exploring the Moral Teachings and Life Goals Within Buddhism and Judaism

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Buddhism and Judaism are both rich with moral and ethical instructions that direct their followers on how to live and act. These teachings not only guide mankind in proper behavior, but also offer obedient believers a manner in which to end strife and suffering by achieving Nirvana which brings the end to the circle of rebirth in Buddhism, and in Judaism reaching the ultimate goal of deliverance and eternal salvation. This paper will explore the similarities and differences between Buddhist and Jewish moral teachings and compare both the Ten Commandments which were presented to Moses, and the Noble Eightfold Path that was taught by Buddha.

While Buddhism does not worship any particular Deity, and is not a theistic religion in the same manner as Judaism where there is one God that is worshiped and looked upon as the only way to salvation; it is a way of life that millions of people follow and therefore deserves respect and attention. Buddhism teaches that life is suffering, and that the Noble Eightfold Path is the means by which good karma can be increased and righteousness obtained, thereby ending the cycle of rebirth and ending suffering in the next life. Buddhism originated with Siddhartha Gautama who was born to royalty and gave up his comfortable life and possessions to become a priest and search for enlightenment and an end to earthly suffering. Through his pilgrimage, he developed the Noble Eightfold Path as a means to Enlightenment or Nirvana and became the first Buddha. As Buddha, he continued to teach that anyone who follows the path set by him can reach the same goal and end the wheel of death and rebirth. Upon his death, his followers continued his teachings and put his teachings into written form, which became the pra...

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...it does not match their own.

If people would just treat each other by the Golden Rule; "Do not impose on others what you do not wish for yourself," (Confucius, circa 500 BCE) and that everyone is of one race, the human race, what a wonderful world this could be.

Works Cited

Bohdi, Bhikkhu. "The Noble Eightfold Path: The Way to the End of Suffering." 16 June 2011. Access to Insight.org. 25 October 2011 .

Gowans, Christopher W. Philosophy of the Buddha. Routledge: Taylor & Francis, 2003.

Knierim, Thomas. The Big View. 27 April 2011. 1 October 2011 .

The Bible, Today's New International Version. International Bible Society, n.d.

Unknown. Pure Precepts And Grave Precepts. 25 October 2011 .

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