Exploring Evidence to Prove the Existence of God

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Exploring Evidence to Prove the Existence of God

There are many arguments that Christians could put forward to prove or

question the existence of God. Why are we here? What is the purpose of

our existence?

Thomas Aquinas, who was a catholic theologian. Argued that the

universe is so complex and well designed, it couldn't possibly of

appeared by chance. Nature is very complicated but all fits together

so well there must be a creator. But if this creator so many believe

in is intangible, invisible, scentless, and silent how can we prove

that this God is real?

Even though the God Christians believe in is invisible and traceless

to most, some people claim to have felt gods presence in many

different ways, some hear him talking to them and giving them

guidance, this could happen to a person who has suffered a loss in

their family and has asked for gods help. Some people claim to of had

near death experiences. This is when a person sees Jesus. There are

many people who have written about their own near death experiences.

Others say that god has performed miracles to help them in their

lives. Also many Christians can speak Tongues, a language that is

given from God.

Many would question Gods existence because he wasn't there for them

when they needed his help, if God helps so many people in their lives

then why can't he help everyone? So many bad things happen in our

world, death, suffering, evil, pain, sickness, disease and sadness. If

God sees all that happens to us why does he not help us? God loves us

all the same but he helps some people in their lives but not all. When

a volcano erupts, why doesn't he save the people? Why does he let the

volcano erupt at all?

God is omnipotent, so why can't he make the world a good place for

everyone? God is omni benevolent so why doesn't he stop children from

dying in pain because of shortage of water? We believe god loves every

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