Exploited Vacation Policy

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There had been numerous discussions about employers/companies adopting the “unlimited vacation” policy. This means that employees are more than welcome to take as much time off as they need, as long as they get the job done. Many seem unsure whether this policy will contribute to our company’s success or if the absence of many employees will damage our business. However, certain workplaces have already adopted the unlimited vacation policy, and the outcomes were positive. Our company should move to an unlimited vacation policy because not only does it benefit our employees but our company will also do better. The policy will help our employees learn how to balance work and personal life, it will strengthen the trust between …show more content…

David Burkus, associate professor of management at Oral Roberts University says, “the majority of people respond to signals of trust with more trustworthy behavior” (as cited in Sine, 2017, para. 18). Basically, when employees know that the employer trusts them to take as much time off as they want, employees become more motivated. They also become more productive, and they work harder to show that they deserve the given trust. Furthermore, adopting the unlimited vacation policy can let the employer determine who is truly dedicated to the company and who abuses it. Although employees are able to take any day off as long as they get the work done, those who book longer trips show the employer how much they really care about the company. However, “employees rarely abuse unlimited vacation” (Zetlin, 2016, para. 11), unless the employees are up to something, such as quitting the job (Zetlin, 2016, para. 11). In other words, the way workers approach the policy will give the company an early notice. All this to say, we should adopt the unlimited vacation policy because the trust created between employers and employees will increase productivity, and employers will be able to identify those who take the job

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