Explain Why School Dress Codes Should Be Banned

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Why I think dress codes should be banned. Dress codes are not equal they are unfair! Dress codes need to be banned! Dress codes don't let kids show their feelings or express themselves. Dress codes should be banned. Dress codes are biased towards girls. Also, dress codes are kinda sexist towards girls and when it comes to a dress code they tend to look at girls more. At my school dress codes are unfair towards girls because girls get dress coded for having holes above there thigh but boys can have there underwear showing at the top of their jeans or you can see there underwear through there hollie jeans. “Students don't hate dress codes they hate the unfair enforcement.” Dress codes are biased they also,tend to look at girls clothing more then boys BANNE DRESS CODES!! …show more content…

Its not that students hate dress codes just not all dress codes are equal to everyone. Its unfair when you buy a new outfit and your excited to wear it to school but you get dress coded but at my school they want us to wear long shirts when us girls wear leggings my clothes don't always match up to the dress code. They want us to dress a certain but they don't realize that kids might not have clothes that follow the dress code policy but ,i'm sure not going out to get new clothes to follow the dress code policy why would I have to spend my money to wear something i don't wanna wear .(Emma, Teitel) “This week CBC go public reported that administers reprimanded a 17-year-old student named Caden Walterson for arriving to school wearing a baseball hat his mother purchased for him at Urban Planet, the Mecca of Fabulous Tacky Teen Fashion.” If there is a dress code it should go the same for everyone. Dress codes are

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