Explain Why Cell Phones Should Not Be Banned From School

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You are sitting in class just listening to the teacher when all of a sudden, you remember you have a presentation in your next class and you left your project at home. You sit there and think, “I need to get ahold of my mom and ask her to bring my project.” However, you have a major problem. Cell phones are banned from school. The teacher gives you a bad grade since you were unprepared and now you’re upset. In situation like this and other emergencies, students need to call or text their parents, so cell phones should not be banned from schools. Parents and legislators everywhere view cell phones as requisite mechanisms for communication and valuable resources during emergencies. In appalling events such as the September 11 terrorist attack and the Columbine High School shooting, there were calls and texts made on cell phones so they could get help. Many attitudes have changed about cell phones since those events and lawmakers and schools are reexamining their policies for …show more content…

However, many teachers are seeking the benefits in cell phones and incorporating them into lessons and learning activities. The bring your own technology program a school created is encouraging students to bring their own smart phones, electronic tablets, and other devices to class to enhance their learning. Most cell phone bans were put in place over 10 years ago when they were first new to children and adults all around the world. There are many educational apps out there for students and teachers alike. People against cell phones being allowed in school may argue that students would be doing inappropriate things during class, however, to ensure that cell phones are used only for educational purposes, students could connect through the district’s network to limit exposure to harmful

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