Explain What It Means To Have Market Power In Healthcare

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1. What does it mean to have market power? Market power is the capability to negotiate and attain a more favorable value for one’s products/services (Frakt, 2011). An insurance company that has market power means that it is selling its plans at a higher price than other players in the industry and gaining elevated profits as a result. Market power can come from different sources. First, it can be obtained due to differences in healthcare products and services. Some firms can have higher market power because buyers perceive them as offering higher quality or lower costs. Second, the concentration of the market can also increase the market power of healthcare firms. Dafny (2010) evaluated the competitiveness of the health insurance industry and determined if health insurers charged higher premiums compared to other profitable firms. He noted that this form of "direct price discrimination" is possible only in imperfectly competitive settings. …show more content…

Partners Healthcare is a product of the 1994 merger between Mass General with Brigham and Boston Women’s hospitals. Since then, it has expanded services and market coverage through adding community and specialized hospitals and clinics. Partners Healthcare has market power because of its strong pricing power in Boston. Owing to its market power, patients pay high prices for its services. Moreover, Partners derives market power from a highly concentrated market. Kirkwood (2016) noted the dangers of allowing big healthcare firms to merge. Using the examples of large insurance companies that entered into mergers, they only increased competitive risks by enhancing barriers to entry which resulted in monopsony power over small providers, higher market power, and greater premiums through their discriminatory advantage over less powerful insurance companies (Kirkwood,

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