Explain Plato's Response To The Pre-Socratics

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How could Plato’s theory of Forms be considered a response to the pre-Socratics? Then explain Aristotle’s response to Plato’s theory of Forms. Which response seems more convincing to you and why Plato could be responding to the pre-Socratics by agreeing with their findings. I believe that Plato was making an argument based off the things that he learned from his teacher who studied some of the pre-Socratics work. Plato’s Theory of Form is in relation by inspiration from pre-Socratic, with Heraclitus statement of the world always in change and Parmenides statement that since the world is constantly changing the world we experience couldn't be real. Heraclitus and Parmenides and Plato all have similarities in beliefs to Plato's theory of forms the Forms and Appearance world. Plato could have come up with this theory because of …show more content…

The two levels are: the visible world of sights and sounds that we occupy and the intelligible world of Forms that stands above the visible world and gives it being. Plato says that we can identify a beautiful person or a beautiful painting, because we have a general conception of what Beauty is, and we are able to identify the beauty in a person or a painting only because we know what beauty is in the abstract. the Form of Beauty, for example, is that quality that all beautiful things share. The beautiful things we see are only beautiful because they partake in the overall Form of Beauty. Beauty in this form is eternal and unchanging. The Theory of Forms views a world of Forms that exists outside of time and space, where Beauty and the like exist unblemished by the changes and imperfections of the visible world. All the beauty in the world put together is the Form of Beauty. Plato himself was aware of the ambiguities and inconsistencies in his Theory of Forms, as is evident from the incisive criticism he makes of his own theory in the

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