Analysis Of Plato's Theory Of Forms

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To Live as A Monster or Die as A Good Man: An analysis of Plato’s Theory of Forms
Shadows are real, right? Not as real as the objects that cast them, but, real... right? As human beings, we have the unique ability to ask such questions. But, do we have that same ability to answer them? And, what if each of us does, who’s answer is correct? Philosophers like Socrates and his beloved student Plato- just like modern film and media producers- have long set out to explore these loaded conundrums. Through allegories such as Plato’s The Cave, and stories portrayed by filmmakers like Martin Scorsese in Shutter Island (2008), our questions of the human condition remain pretty much the same. In both Plato and Scorsese’s works, Plato’s Theory …show more content…

They cannot walk. They cannot move their heads. They have no way to see past the walls of the prison they have grown so used to- or knowledge that any other “reality” even exists. The only movement or interaction the prisoners come across is of or with the shadows of figures they cannot see walking past the fire behind them. Shadows are real, right? To the prisoners, they surely are. As Plato explains, “Their lives are centered on the shadows.” (Pojman, 55 ) As humans do, they define themselves and their world based on what they know. What they know, is based off of what is accessible to them. The reader is then asked to imagine one of these prisoners has been liberated. That he was “forcibly moved from the only home and social milieu he had ever known.” (Pojman, 55) The language Plato uses here seems backwards upon the first read. “Forcibly”? It is hard not to think: why would anyone want to be stuck in a cave? After all, reality is so much fun (right?) According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Metaphysics, or alternatively ontology, is that branch of philosophy whose special concern is to answer the question ‘What is there?’ Well, for a human being who has never been exposed even to sunlight- the sudden journey into a gigantic world is- at the very least- a lot to take in. As Plato …show more content…

Teddy quickly becomes appalled by the story of her crimes, as she supposedly drowned her 3 children in a lake in her backyard. Throughout the movie, he has visible pain on his face and in his mind as he has vivid visions of this heinous crime. Teddy’s entire experience from the time he arrives on Shutter Island is riddled with confusion as we experience his journey through his eyes. He arrives with his partner, who he is reminded by those around him more and more as the plot thickens- he is actually unsure how he even met. The head of the fully-staffed police force on the island- an odd sight already- says to Teddy “Never seen a Marshall’s badge before.” Which is just one of many suggestive comments Teddy receives that denies the legitimacy of his position. As they work to uncover more details about the missing patient, Teddy becomes increasingly aggressive toward the idea of considering her emotions as important. In a conversation with the lead physician of the institution, where Rachel (the patient in question’s) right to a sense of calm being defended along with other violent patients, Teddy retorts “Aren’t these violent offenders? Screw their sense of calm!” As the story continues, it is revealed that Teddy is actually a

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