Explain How Conflict Theorists And Symbolic Interactionists View The Issue Of Gender And Housework

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1. Discuss the differences in how conflict theorists and symbolic interactionists view the issue of gender and housework.
Conflict theorist, leading with Marxist where always fighting against already set traditional rules. Nothing is different here about woman and traditional role in the family. Marxism and socialism where always tie closely to me to feminism. In many cases, socialism did give empowerment to a woman in terms of education, and job opportunity. In socialism, everything was about ideology. I remember inter religious marriages where highly encouraged. Reason being, it was easier to eliminate religion from the family much easier, and by this traditional woman’s role as well. By conflict theorist, woman and man role will never change, regardless of ideology. Woman will always be mom and a wife regardless is she or is she not in work force is she or is she not bringing income in the house. This is not by the choice but traditional role of a woman that girls are bran washed from the young age. Symbolic interactionists, believe that should be fair trade between how much income woman produce vs how much homework does she do. If she is bringing the same income as her husband, housework should be shared equally. I Personally believe this will be fair. However, I personally like my housework do myself and have my husband fix the car, or work in the yard. I think this is also fair trade. Some people will feel that is “ not man’s job to be in the kitchen”, but watching new generation coming around I see these view slowly going away. …show more content…

(2013). Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach. New Jersey:

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