Exotic Pet Research Paper

313 Words1 Page

The Reasons of Owning an Exotic Pet
Pets can be cool and all, but they can be a lot to handle at times. Especially if you own a Exotic pet. Exotic pets can range from monkeys all the way to lions. Some of the problems of owning a Exotic pet are that they can cost a lot of money to raise, when they are older they can have a higher chance of harming you, or that it takes a longer time to take care of than a regular pet like a dog or a cat. If you want to own an Exotic pet, go ahead, but know they will take hours out of your life.

Let’s say you had a baby lion cub you wanted to raise. At first, the cub might seem harmless and cute, but years down the road, the cub will turn into an adult lion. Then the lion will be harm to raise, cost more

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