Excessive Alcohol Persuasive Essay

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Excessive alcohol was the cause of an average of 88,000 deaths per year in the United States between 2006 and 2010 (“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention”). Excessive alcohol cost the economy $249 billion in 2010 and is the cause of death to 1 in 10 working-age adults (“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention”). These are worrisome facts that should make anyone reconsider picking up another bottle or taking another shot. Alcohol isn’t inherently bad but in excess, like many things, can lead to terrible consequences. Alcohol has a long history with mankind, is part of many facets of our lives and can be enjoyed and appreciated with moderation but it can tear apart lives and is responsible for many tragedies.

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It wasn’t until after the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century that many Christian groups banned alcohol among their congregation. Groups like the Puritans were escaping England to the Americas which at the time was dealing with major alcohol consumption problems. With the Industrial Revolution came a need for more sober workers to work the factories which led to a push for moderation of drinking. The moderation turned to a complete ban of alcohol in the United States during World War I but it was mostly a failure and heightened organized crime (History of …show more content…

It’s hard to find someone that hasn’t been affected by alcohol. It tears apart families, friends, relationships and people from themselves. Drinking and driving is a major problem that I can only see being resolved by self driving cars, taking the problem (people) out of the equation. Alcohol is a drug and people get easily addicted to it resulting in alcoholism but since it has a large cultural and historical background, it’s not regulated as harsh as other

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