Examples Of Xenia In The Odyssey

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Xenia: (def) the ancient Greek concept of hospitality, the generosity and courtesy shown to those who are far from home. In the Odyssey, to be civilized is to follow the laws of Xenia. The reason for this was because they believed that any stranger seeking refuge could be a god in disguise and did not want to risk displeasing them. However, many societies Odysseus confronts treat him and his men cruelly. On his journey, Odysseus encounters many diverse and occasionally barbarian cultures that act in ways that the Greeks understood to be, “uncivilized.” The Cyclopes, part of a more memorable chapter of the Odyssey, are a race of one eyed savages that live on a cultivated island. When Odysseus confronts Polyphemus, son of Poseidon, about …show more content…

The mortals are made to follow under the God's rule while the immortals (the Gods) aren’t subjected to the same ramifications. They react to situations in an intense, and much of the time, violent manner, causing destruction and manslaughter. In one case Odysseus and his men are stranded on an island without subsistence. After a time the men's hunger drives them to slay a and consume a cattle of the sun god, Lord Helios, evoking a great anger in him. In turn he spoke to Zeus and says, “O Father Zeus and gods in bliss forever, punish Odysseus’ men! So overweening now they have killed my peaceful kine, my joy at morning when I climb the sky of stars, and evening , when I bore westward from heaven. Restitution or penalty they shall pay and pay in full-or I go down forever and light the dead men in the underworld” (1079.) As a result, when the men make it off the island, they are met with an intimidating storm created by Zeus. A bolt of lightning strikes the boat and every last one of Odysseus’ shipmates are hurled into the ocean, leaving him to navigate the sea on his own. The men would never reach home again due to the brutal actions of the gods that are able to act without punishment and do as they

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