Examples Of Racism In A Lesson Before Dying

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Racism is More than Black and White In Ernes J. Gaines novel A Lesson Before Dying, tells a story that was during late 1940. The 1940’s were times that were separation and racism. During that Time African Americans had no say in society. Jefferson was commit for a crime that he don’t do. “The Defense argued that Jefferson was innocent from all charges except being at the wrong place at the wrong time” (Gaines 7). This does not mean nothing to the jury, and still prosecuted him and gave him death. A Lesson before Dying has different types of racism that was included in the novel. There are three different types of racism that was shown in the novel such as, racism among other African Americans, and white Americans and how they perceived White’s …show more content…

This separation is where white settlers come into Africa and began to sell, raped, and kill African Americans. Racism is still an issue in our country and racism is in your back yard. Many people might think that racism against African Americans has decreased, but in reality it’s just the beginning. During slavery white American believed that African American were animal “A concord animal to strike quickly out of fear, a trait inherited from his ancestors in the deepest jungle of blackest Africa” (Gaines 7). The defense maintained that he was innocent all his charges but he was changer because he was an Africa American men. Society saw African Americans as stupid, unintelligent, and insane. Jefferson defense wanted to show him how Society viewed and felt about him. This is a seamless example of the way the attorney sees Jefferson because he compared scared animal not as a men. Since, Jefferson was African America his attorney as well as the jury already saw Jefferson as guilty due to the color of his skin. If Jefferson was not black he would have a fair trial. Sheriff Guidry was white but he treated every one with respect. He thought that Jefferson should be left along to die happy and

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