Examples Of Pride In Death Of A Salesman

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Pride is like a spiritual epidemic that spreads and consumes ever possibility of love, serenity, and success; but most importantly pride is the worst when it comes to one’s ethical standards. To start off with, being a salesman is not the right fit for Willy. This is because when everyone is at his funeral, Biff says “there is more of him in that front stoop than in all the sales he ever made” (Miller 1301). All his friends and family reminisce on the fact of how skilled Willy was. He was good at construction, adding details to the house, and gardening. It is as if Willy had more pleasure and joy in doing projects or working around the house rather than travelling around being a salesman. However, this is where Willy’s prideful and egotism came into play because he believed that “there was no future for him in construction…even though planting, building, and working with his hands makes him happy,” Willy goes against these natural dispositions and chooses a career path that he believes will help him in providing “success and notoriety” (Pride in Death of a Salesman). …show more content…

This offer is great and it could make Willy wealthy, but his egotistical ways and his “skewed vision of success, [lead him to] believe that he and his boys are on the precipice of something great” (Pride in Death of a Salesman). As a result of this unethical decision, Willy chooses to stay where he is and continue to live his miserable life that is feathered in faint dreams and

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