Examples Of Peaceful Resistance

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"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Peaceful resistance is an important part of our free society. It positively impacts and helps shape a more equal and just future for all citizens in the society. Yes, problems still occur even with peaceful resistance and demonstration, but in its simplest form peaceful resistance is a necesity for a free society. Overall, the point is made that change is needed, but no one gets hurt in the process and that is what makes it important. There are some negatives to peaceful demonstration. The problems occur when certain people within the group or society decide to take the resistance to extremes. This creates a negative reputation even for the people who demonstate …show more content…

This caused national uproar and chaos. This song honors the men and women who sacrificed their lives so that we can remain a free society. By sitting down or kneeling during it shows a lack of respect. This is where the fine line between a respectful resistance and a disrespectful one comes into play. These problems that are caused by the rare anomaly in the society should be overlooked for all the good that comes from peaceful disobedience. To distinguish what is right when resisting laws, we must look back to past examples in history for precedents. The core principle of a peaceful protest is peace itself. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most famous examples of civil disobedience in history. He kept things peaceful, but at the same time he accomplished his goals. That is the ultimate goal when peacefully disobeying in a free society. He accomplished an unthinkable challenge with the civil rights movement. To this day, the benefits can still be seen in our current society. All people can participate equally across the nation no matter race, ethnicity, religion, or gender. Like his quote, Dr. King saw injustice and knew justice could not thrive if something was not done about it.

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