Peaceful Protest Research Paper

519 Words2 Pages

Part of being an American citizen means expressing your rights, and in this day and age, we have many ways of doing that. From social media, to supporting political events, there are many ways to express your opinion. Of course, one of the most effective ways is protest. When you disagree with a something that the government has done, you can protest. There are different ways to protest, and the most effective way to do that is by peaceful motives. One problem that has been afflicting our society today is that many people take protests as opportunities to enact mayhem. All too often we see violent protests and riots, not only making those protesters claim seem invalid, but also harming our society. This problem persists to personal relationships; it’s ridiculous how people seem to think that Freedom of Speech applies only to them. Is their opinion the only one that matters? No, absolutely not. Yet, more and more we see outburst against those who seem to disagree. Regardless of your political beliefs, it is never ok to berate others simply for disagreeing with you, it’s sickening. …show more content…

Express your beliefs not through violence or by obstructing those you are trying to sway; rather, express your belief through peaceful protest, and only then will you prevail, and show those who doubted you before that your cause stands for something just. Peaceful protest is not easy, nor will I ever claim it to be. I admit why some feel violence is the only option, but violence has never led to anything but more violence. In 1930 while the British occupied India, Gandhi (one of the greatest civil rights leaders of our time), led dozens to the Arabian Sea to pick salt from the muddy waters. Why? To defy the British law at the time, stating that no Indian could collect or sell salt in the

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