Peaceful Resistance Research Paper

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Peaceful resistance to laws both positively and negatively impact a free society in my opinion. I say this because while the intentions are to be nonviolent and peaceful, when there are many in numbers present in current protest events it leads to non-peaceful outcomes. For instance, in recent events in Denver, Native Americans peacefully protested against a pipeline and it turned violent. It didn’t turn violent by them but because police turned violent toward them. Another example is the march in Dallas when one man turned violent. It negatively impacts a free society because lawmakers assume that we as a nation can no longer conduct ourselves in a civilized manner, or we are unable to come against things we don’t agree with in a nonviolent way. …show more content…

This causes those same law makers to believe that we as a public people shouldn’t have weapons to defend ourselves against the people hired to protect us. Take for instance, in current news, police officers killing unarmed black men. This action leads to protest. In the protest, police bring weapons, tear gas, swat teams, and military to come against those who are trying to peacefully protest creating a non-peaceful event. While all protest can have both impacts recent events only portray violent outcomes. In the past peaceful resistance didn’t gain negative attention. Rosa parks protested against sitting in the back of the bus. Martin Luther king protested equal rights. Both of these well-known leaders protested laws while being peaceful. So it is possible to have a peaceful protest when given peaceful

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