Examples Of Manipulation In 1984 By George Orwell

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Force and manipulation are used in ways to control and influence people into believing what a government, or majority, wants them to believe or do. In George Orwell’s 1984, when the main character is caught and punished, he is told that whatever the party holds to be truth is truth (Orwell 205). This is comparable to modern society when there are controversial issues or differences of opinion. The people are influenced in direct and indirect ways, manipulated by a majority for their own benefit and gain; even if it means the people may have to compromise their own rights or beliefs. A personal truth is not what matters. Propaganda is widely used to control a citizen’s way of thinking, and is a strong tool of manipulation in both modern society …show more content…

For instance, taking someone’s religious liberty or forcing them to compromise what they believe in is a violation and unjust. An example is the controversy in Indiana involving The Religious Freedom Restoration Act. People are upset and saying that the state is using the Bible and freedom of religion to discriminate against homosexuals. Genuinely said by the author, Tara Helfman, “Lost in all this fury was the simple purpose of these RFRA’s: They are designed to stabilize an unsteady line of judicial precedent regarding how judges should treat laws that impair the First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion.” (Helfman 28). Society forgets to acknowledge that certain religions may not agree with a certain lifestyle for reasons that are not for anyone else, but are personal and private. It is not discrimination, but more about personal beliefs and practices that should not to be taken personally by someone with opposing views. To persecute someone for what they believe in can been seen as a violation of their personal, religious views. Helfman adds, sometimes laws of general application-laws that are designed to apply equally to all Americans-impair the religious practice of some Americans (Helfman 29). Ironically in the text, 1984, a character in the book is overwhelmed with anxiety as he says, I allowed the word “God” to remain at the end of the sentence (Orwell 190). He knew he would be persecuted for using that word, even though there was absolutely no alternative that could take its place. The connection is very relevant, showing the controversy of religious views and rights. Although very opposite, sex is very much seen as taboo when openly discussed. Sex can be viewed as shameful. One way it can been seen as shameful is the fact that if it is liked “too much”, or in large

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