Examples Of Julius Caesar Response To Literature

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Response to literature When you think of Rome the first thing that pops into your head are the emperors, senators, huge cities and the immensity of their empire. When you take a closer look into their lives you see that it is much more complicated and intricate. In William Shakespeare's “ The Tragedy of Julius CaesarJulius Caesar is a powerful senator who wants more power and is on the verge of becoming emperor of Rome. Brutus a honorable senator and some other fearful senators become conspirators in a plan to kill Julius Caesar. They succeed and expect to be named heroes but Caesar's close friend Anthony is enraged and starts a civil war with Brutus and Cassius who is another conspirator. Brutus is defeated and Caesar's son Octavius is
People will see things differently, Brutus didn’t think that people would be scared or angry when they killed Caesar and this was one of his fatal flaws. “And let us bathe our hands our hands in Caesar's blood up to the elbows, and besmear our swords. Then walk we forth, even to the marketplace, and waving our red weapons o er our heads, let's all cry “peace, liberty, and freedom.” (III i 106-110) Brutus thinks that they will be regarded as heroes and saviors. They don't realize how popular Caesar was in the people’s eyes and this led to civil war. “What private grief they have alas I know not that made them do it. They are wise and honorable men.” (III ii 214-215) Antony knows that they must have had a reason for killing Caesar but he doesn't understand them and he thought that Caesar was innocent. There was definitely two sides to this story, Brutus felt that he had to kill Caesar and Antony thinks of them as murderers and has no idea why they would do it.
There will always be reasons for doing things and the right thing to do might not look like that to other people. The examples of this are how Brutus and Antony were on completely different sides and how the thought of killing Caesar, which might have been the right thing to do, tore Brutus up inside and caused him great pain. The final example of this is how the people reacted to the conspirators and how Brutus thought they would be heroes. I think William Shakespeare wanted to show that people have many reasons for doing things and that the right thing to do is

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