Examples Of Innocence In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Children are considered as Gods, pure and innocent. Children are new in this vicious world and have yet to discover the world and witness life and this is what makes children innocent. Children have done no wrong as they barely have entered the world. The novel ‘Night’ by Elie Wiesel displays how a child can be rapped of their innocence. ‘Night” is about a young boy named Eliezer and his eye awakening life in World War 2. Being a Jewish teen, Elie lost his innocence for a chance of survival due to the major traumatizing events Elie witnessed. It took a great toll on him, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally. Through what Elie has seen he was undoubtedly stripped of his purity.
Everyone possesses an innocence, however as they are

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