Night Elie Wiesel Quotes

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“Even in darkness, it is possible to create light”(Wiesel). In Night, a memoir by Elie Wiesel, the author, as a young boy who profoundly believed in his religion, experiences the life of a prisoner in the Holocaust. He struggles to stay with his father while trying to survive. Through his experience, he witnesses the changes in his people as they fight each other for themselves. He himself also notices the change within himself. In Night, it is discovered that atrocities and cruel treatment can make decent people into brutes. Elie himself also shows signs of becoming a brute for his survival, but escapes this fate, which is shown through his interactions with his father. Firstly, Elie’s moral side overcoming the temptation to being a brute However, despite these thoughts, he still decided to support his father, which helps him detour away from the path to being a brute. First of all, this is shown when Elie’s father asked him for coffee, and Elie goes to get him some. “Like a wild beast, I cleared a way for myself to the coffee cauldron. And I managed to carry back a cupful. I had a sip. The rest was for him”(77). This quote reveals how Elie, despite thinking about abandoning his father before, helped his father even though he didn’t need to. The simile, “like a wild beast” describes how Elie was desperate to get coffee for his father and he wanted to help his father as quickly as he could. The word “for him” also implies that Elie wasn’t a brute because he was thinking about his father, not only himself. Elie sacrificed his own needs for his father by giving him the rest of the coffee. His desperation of wanting to help his father shows that he is not a brute. In addition, after the head of the block tells Elie to abandon his father, Elie thinks, “It’s too late to save your old father, I said to myself. You ought to be having two rations of bread, two rations of soup…. Only a fraction of a second, but I felt guilty. I ran to find a little soup to give my father”(80). In the beginning of the quote, Elie was tempted to desert his father and steal his father’s assets for himself. The word “I said to myself” shows that Elie’s mind was trying to convince him to abandon his father. If he had listened to these temptations, he would’ve become a brute. However, Elie’s true self stops him from following these cruel thought and Elie felt guilty instead. The words “I felt guilty” implies that Elie still has moral feelings. Instead of brushing this feeling off, he decides to face this feeling and want to help his father more by finding him

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