Examples Of Euthanasia In The Giver

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Euthanasia, or the “right to die”, has been a common issue in today’s society. In The Giver by Lois Lowry, the topic is explored multiple times in the form of “Release”. Although our society uses a different terminology than the one in The Giver, my thoughts are the same: euthanasia is a valid and reasonable way to die.
The practice is one of a long history, dating back to the time of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. It has been brought up multiple times in recent years, most recently in the case of Charlie Gard, an infant boy from the United Kingdom born with mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome. Because of his rare genetic disorder, he was placed on life support in a hospital in London. His parents requested to transfer Charlie to a hospital in New York, but the hospital in London that, at the time, was keeping him alive, asked the court to override the parent’s decision and for permission to intervene by taking him off of life support and ultimately ending his life. In the end, Charlie’s parents agreed to withdraw life support because they were told that he would not get better, and though they may regret their decision later in life, I believe that the one they made is the the right one. …show more content…

This reason may be to end suffering or to escape a difficult situation. There are three types of euthanasia. The first of which is voluntary euthanasia, commonly described as termination of life by a doctor at the request of a patient. This type of euthanasia has my full approval, because it is done both with the consent of a patient and with a doctor to oversee it. A patient may decide to do this because they cannot endure any more pain and suffering. An example in The Giver is when Rosemary requests for Release after receiving a memory from the Giver that causes her to suffer pain that she can not stand any

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