Examples Of Epigraph In The Great Gatsby

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An epigraph is brief quote or saying that is placed at the beginning of a novel to hint at its central theme. Additionally, epigraphs may be used to indicate authorial intention or act as a warning about what is to come. This technique can be incredibly potent as it often sets the tone for an entire book. Many of the greatest literary works of the twentieth century, such as To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, employ epigraphs that not only hint at the plotline of the story, but also evoke curiosity within readers. The Great Gatsby by Scott F. Fitzgerald is another example of a famous novel that opens with a highly effective epigraph. In this case, rather than a quote or saying, Fitzgerald uses a short poem …show more content…

The first example of this occurs near the middle of the novel, when Gatsby is preparing to see Daisy again after five years apart. Because this reunion is taking place at Nick’s house, Gatsby orders a gardening service to cut the overgrown grass and a floristry service to adorn the landscape with an abundance of flowers. Gatsby’s sole intention behind this rather extensive decoration is to please Daisy, with an ultimate goal to reclaim her heart. The second example wherein Gatsby uses his wealth to appeal to Daisy also occurs midway through the novel, when Gatsby is giving Daisy a tour of his mansion. At this point, Daisy is already very much in overcome with fascination towards Gatsby’s luxurious lifestyle. When the couple arrive in Gatsby’s bedroom, to further prove his affluence to her, Gatsby shows off his expensive collection of English clothing, which Daisy believes to be so beautiful, she begins to cry. This is another clear effort made by Gatsby to astonish Daisy with precious items, in the hopes that it will reignite the romance between the

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