Examples Of Environmentalism In The Movie Waterworld

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During the 1960s through 2000s Americans started to worry about the future of humanity with the environmental changes and the movie “Waterworld” is a clear representation of their fears about the future. Starting in the mid- twenties people wanted to preserve nature because it was beautiful and some believed humans were spiritually attached to it, but the reasons change in the 1960s. The American people, in the 1960’s, started to realized that all the new technology was not eco-friendly and that the environment was seriously in danger. With this in mind, the growth of environmentalism was a result of the environmental degradation in the advanced industrial societies and the growth of the new science named ecology. Ecology provided the leaders of the movement called environmentalist with new and powerful arguments.
Also writers and environmentalist started to spread the word of the changes the environment was going through and many …show more content…

The theory is presented as hope for humanity since the protagonist referred as “The Mariner” is a symbol of it for society as it is the representation of evolution. He has adapted to this new environment by growing gills behind his ears and developing webbed feet to help him survive in the water. The theory in evolution was already known at the time and the movie promotes it as possible solution for a new form of life if dry land is never found. The evolution the protagonist had experience also shows how society had accepted or had started to believed in this controversial theory. The movie presents it as something natural and the characters in the movie are not surprised or scared making society more likely to accepted. In addition, “The Mariner” is portrait as hero with advantages over the common human and this makes seemed evolution as something positive making it more acceptable to the

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