Examples Of Dual Federalism

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Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and George Washington were the upholders of the start of the Federal system (ushistory,org, pg1). The reasons for starting a federal system were to avoid tyranny, allow more participation in politics, and to use the states as laboratories for new ideas and programs (ushistory.org, pg 3a.). Federalism is ‘mode of political organization that unites separate states or other polities within an overarching political system in such a way as to allow each to maintain its own fundamental political integrity’’ (Britannica.com, pg 1). The United States uses what we call dual Federalism, this is the idea that the Union and the state share power but, the Federal Governments has more power than the individual states. The American system uses one federal Government and 50 state governments. This has been nicknamed the layer cake federalism, since it is divided into state and federal jobs (study.com, pg 1). The period 1776 to 1997 is marked …show more content…

Creative Federalism was the type of federalism that gave more power to the national government by bypassing state governments and allowing the federal government to have direct control over statewide programs (ApgovermentCHS,1). The creative part comes from “providing grants-in-aid directly towards local governments, bypassing states; the grants are "categorical" (iu,edu, 1) since these are specified by the federal government; states and local governments had to use money for such specific purposes”(iu.edu, 1). This was also nicknamed “picket fence federalism”, because it was supply and demand, if a state needs something the government supplies what they need. The power shifted to the federal government, and is witnessed that during the Johnson administration's social & welfare reformed in the early 1960s, giving the federal funding to the states which then gathered a series of federally determined objectives(stgapgov.pbworks,

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