Examples Of College Persuasive Essay

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Coco Nehme 01/06/15 North P.2 College Persuasive Essay He, who opens doors, closes prison. This shows that you can open many doors in college and you will most likely have a job so you don’t have to fear of being jobless but that job may not be your dream job. People don’t need to go to college to have their dreams fulfilled because college cannot always help with making dreams come true it can help you get a job and have a lot of money and have a good life but that doesn’t always mean that, that job is your dream job. Whatever happens you should work hard to have your dream job not the job that pays better but the one that makes you happy. People can decide to not go to college but still be educated in the art of work that you love and be good at it and make a career out of it all with out a college education but still education in knowledge, practice, and research. “Picasso was educated in creating art”-why I hate school but love education, but he didn’t go to college. “David Beckham take a free kick” -why I hate school but love education, its about living your dream and the how you get there doesn’t matter as long as you do get there in the end. “People think they have to go to college to have a good job -Ramesh Ponnoru” -Procons.org. Some dreams don’t count on a college degree to fulfill them. …show more content…

“Unemployment rate has dropped by 2 million”-why all public higher ED should be free. “Because going to college isn’t an investment at all-George Leef”-Procons.org. “College has been a waste”-all B.A’s are worth it some more than others, a waste of money and time. Certain people don’t have money or the right skills or much time to be in

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