Examples Of Barriers In The Odyssey

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People deal with barriers every single day. The barrier may be small and insignificant, or it may be critical and life changing. Barriers are essential in life because they test a person’s endurance and ability to get up and move past a barrier they are facing. The book ‘The Odyssey’ is essentially all about the struggles of Odysseus, a Greek warrior, and young Telemachus, son of Odysseus. The barrier that caught my eye the most is Telemachus struggling to prove his ability, because of his young age. In ‘The Odyssey’ Telemachus is seen multiple times struggling to prove his capability especially in front of the suitors. The characters in this book all assume that because Odysseus is not present, Telemachus is the easiest to deal with and they continuously disregard him, as they try to woo his mother, Penelope. This takes a toll on Telemachus emotionally and he starts feeling incompetent and conscious about his skills and authority in the house because of all the mockery and rejection that he faces. The suitors are seen disregarding Telemachus in Book 1 when Telemachus tells the suitors to leave his palace and Antinous responds by saying “Well, Telemachus, only the gods could teach you to sound so …show more content…

Without, barriers one will not learn how to get over struggles and learn to go on with life despite what they are struggling with. The biggest barrier for Telemachus is he is overlooked and made fun of by the suitors because he is young and inexperienced. The constant shaming makes him uneasy about his abilities and strength and makes him constantly doubtful. Just like Telemachus high school students and employees can also feel insecure about their skills if they are mocked for attempting. There is a lot of barriers in ‘The Odyssey’ that relate to real life and a lot of lessons that are taught in the book for this particular topic a lesson to learn is that one should never make fun of others for trying and doing their

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