The Importance Of Inadequacy In The Book 'The Odyssey'

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At some point in their life, many people experience feelings of inadequacy or uncertainty. In “The Odyssey” by Homer, one of the main characters Telemachus experiences both of these feelings. He feels that he is not good enough, especially compared to his father, Odysseus, who many people refer to as a great leader. In the beginning of “The Odyssey”, Telemachus’ home has been taken over by suitors, each with the goal of winning over his mother, in hopes to marry her and become king. Telemachus is not fond of these men in his home, but does not have the confidence to get rid of them. Lastly, at this point in the story, Odysseus, Telemachus’ father, has been gone for approximately twenty years, most of Telemachus’ life. Telemachus has been …show more content…

Telemachus’ prayer is asking for assistance in how to initiate this journey. Very early in the book, Telemachus is portrayed as a helpless, immature child. He just allows the suitors to take over his father’s estate. After Athena visits him the first time, Telemachus calls an assembly and tells the suitors to leave, but the suitors do not listen. Telemachus’ confidence level seemed to increase greatly in order to complete this task, but seems defeated after, which would explain why he prayed to Pallas for …show more content…

Lots of ships in seagirt Ithcaca, old and new. I’ll look them over, choose the best in sight, we’ll fit her out and launch her into the sea at once! (3. 322-329) By giving Telemachus a specific task to complete, Athena is decreasing the stress Telemachus has concerning his journey. This is also done by Athena assigning to herself the more difficult tasks that need to be completed, choosing a crew and a ship. The act that gives Telemachus the greatest feeling of support is that Athena is going to set sail with Telemachus, which proves helpful later in the journey. Given these points, Athena (as Mentor) acts as a mentor and advisor for Telemachus. She is able to greatly increase his confidence, prepare him for his journey to find his father, and make him feel worthy of being his father’s son. In real life, many people have experience with a relationship similar to this, someone who gives them advice and is a positive, guiding influence in their life. This relationship is critical to Telemachus and his growth from an immature child to a man, and also proves to be an important relationship to have in one’s own

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