Example Of Open-Ended Questions In Research

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a. There are different ways in which teachers can set up the environment to have conversations with children. One way of those ways, is the teachers can pre-set up the play areas. Pre-setting up an area allows children to see and explore what may be done in the area. This also may spark new ideas from children. Another concept a teacher can do to spark conversation is to change up the materials. For an example, not always having sand in a sensory table. Instead, introduce water, water balls or slime. When introducing such items, it allows the teachers to ask the children open-ended questions. An example of an open-ended question that can be asked is, “how does this feel?” or “what does this remind you of?” These are just a few examples that I have observed …show more content…

When teachers are asking questions to children, one idea they should consider is the type of questions they are asking. The two types of questions are open or closed questions. The best type of questions to ask are the open-end questions. These type of questions allow for children to give their own interpretation. Closed questions result in yes or no answers. Another concept to keep in mind, is the idea of the child’s system of thinking. Young children are very egocentric, meaning they think for themselves and don’t think for others around them. They are going to understand concepts through ideas that are similar to them. c. It is important for teachers to understand a child’s system of thinking when asking them questions. There are a couple of ideas that might help teachers know if a question being asked is out of a child’s system of thinking. The first would be blank stare or no answer. When asking children questions, if they don’t understand they most likely will give you a weird look or just not answer the question at all. Another way a teacher may know the question was out of the child’s system of thinking, is if a child’s answer was out of context or if they begin questioning

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