Evolution And Charles Darwin's Theory Of Natural Selection

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The theory of evolution has shaped the way most modern scientists think today as it is now one of the most supported theory in the world today. “Apes are humans closest relatives”(Evolution 1). As the human race evolve into more intellectual organisms scientists have realized that apes are the closest relatives to the humans. Evidence has been discovered by more than just humans and apes, amphibious organisms have evolved from fish, insects evolve from other insects. Much more evidence has been discovered and there is still more to discover. Although uncovered fossils have not proven that evolution is true, it can be proven through scientific research, physical or behavioral changes in organisms, and Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. …show more content…

“Behavioral adaptations are the things organisms do to survive” (Introduction to human evolution). Evolution has proven a numerous amount of times that animals and humans aquire behavioral adaptations in order to thrive and survive. Organisms will continue to aquire these adaptations as long they survive. Most if not all organisms continue to evolve as the earth keeps rotating. Physical and behavioral changes occur in mammals, invertabrates, reptiles, and even brainless organisms such as jellyfish. Humans will continue evolving as the other animals …show more content…

The theory, therefore can be proven today just as it has over the course of history. Through tested scientific research evolution cannot be overturned by any new observations or findings. If scientists notice any physical or behavioral changes in organisms it can be assumed that evolution is taking place. That is how researchers know that evolution is playing a role in the organisms lifespan. Such as a birds beak changing from island to island because of how it adapts and obtains food and nutrients. Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection in other words survival of the fittest, has shaped most scientists viewpoint on evolution as it is known today. The theory states that only the strongest survive. That is not necessarily true in all aspects. The organisms with the best traits passed down will usually survive is what the theory is trying to characterize. Although uncovered fossils have not proven that evolution is true, it can be proven through scientific research, physical or behavioral changes in organisms, and Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Scientific research has stated that evolution is taking place everyday throughout the world. If scientists notice any changes in an organisms usual migration path or even physical characteristics they can assume that it is evolving due to another outside force or organism. According to Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection evolution

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