Evolutionary Research Proposal

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Research Plan
Evolution has been the center point of a very solemn debate of how vertebrates and humans came to be in today’s present world. Many people have their stern beliefs that they are going to uphold no matter how much or little evidence they have to support their hypothesis. Although everyone has different point of views, the one theory that seems to be more regarding towards the realms of science, is the theory of evolution. Numerous scientists and evolutionary biologists argue that humans evolved from a common ancestor that is also shared with chimpanzees, stating that humans share similar genomes to those of chimps. Other’s will argue that there are too many gaps in the whole evolutionary theory, so they claim that a higher power …show more content…

Despite that almost all of these ideas differ from each other, varying from different scientific and religious point of views, a multitudinous amount does not have substantial evidence for their hypothetical claims. Out of the entire list of theories, the more methodical thesis that has more sufficient proof than any other has to be the evolutionary proposition. The evidence that supports this claim is overwhelming and much encouraging for humans to discover the real answer of where we came to be. The same query that caused heated quarrels and separated men and women of all kinds could possibly be at the tip of human …show more content…

The first question will be “How old is the planet?” which in evolution is used to narrow down the time in which we first came to be. The follow-up question is “Where did humans come from?” in which the answer varies from evolution to religion, because religion is sort of a norm that’s happening in the community. The third question consists of asking “What animals do humans share a common ancestor?” Finally, the final question quizzes the contributor on “Who created the theory of evolution?” All of these questions are the bare minimum in the basics of

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