Evidence-Based Nursing Practice: A Case Study

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Clinical operation issue
Supplies expenses accounted for 25.4% of the total expenses and 85.5% of the supply expenses is from other medical supplies. The current practice allows each physician group to make independent decisions, how to run their group. As a result, the hospital is suffering from high medical cost and losing money by not utilizing nurse practitioners and case managers. The quality of care greatly affected by not utilizing of a case manager in coordinating medical services that a patient may require for recovery after hospitalization. Nurse practitioners (NP) can also aid in patient care without compromising the quality of care and enhance orthopedic surgeon’s productivity. When NPs do some of the patient care, the orthopedic surgeons will have more time to do more surgeries which will generate more revenue. Non-standardized protocol created a financial burden to the hospitals, related to medical supply. The physician’s vendor preference could be influenced by vendor relationship and personal benefit rather than evidence that benefit patients and contain costs. The patient’s outcome is going to suffer due to a lack of standardized protocol.
Evidence and Innovation summary
The medical supply used in a surgical procedure can make a significant contribution in …show more content…

An article titled where to look for supply saving (2009) identified physician preference items a great area for saving. How is the preferred item selected? A survey by Leah (2013) studied what influence the orthopedic surgeon decisions when choosing medical supply. The survey result is a follow: vendor relationship 45%, advance technology 45%, contracted vendor 5% and cost of implant 5%. Therefore, only 5% of orthopedic surgeons consider cost when the choosing supply. A standardized treatment protocol will improve a better decision making with choosing a

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