Effective Clinical Reasoning: A Case Study

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Registered nurses perform a fundamental role in caring for a surgical patient. Effective clinical reasoning involves a method of planning and implementing interventions by processing information, collecting cues, understanding the patient situation, evaluating the outcomes and reflecting and learning from the procedure performed. ‘Failure to rescue’ is one of the key causes of adverse patient outcomes due to nursing compliance, the advances in medical technology, more complex conditions being faced and the increased patient to nurse ratios. Throughout this assignment, a patient has been admitted to hospital for a left knee replacement. This discussion will relate to the appropriate nursing actions performed by a nurse in order to prevent post-operative complications and promote discharge planning. …show more content…

Clinical reasoning has been defined by Tanner (2006) as ‘a process by which nurses make clinical judgements by selecting from alternatives, weighing evidence, using intuition and by pattern recognition’. It involves the judgements of what is wrong and clinical decision-making of what to do (Levett-Jones et al.,

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