Everyday Use By Leo Tolstoy

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Family’s comes in all shapes and sizes. Some have three members and then some have ten or fifteen. The number of members may be different but we all have similar issues. "All happy families are alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"? (Tolstoy) That is a true statement if you ask me it means so much. It means to me that it does not matter what type of family you are, you will and am going to have issues. No family is perfect, there is always a flaw. Some families are just good at hiding it, and then some are not. There are many plays, stories and poems’ that can relate to the line that Leo Tolstoy wrote and I chose three from each; A Raisin in the Sun (376), "Everyday Use" (268) and "Those Winter Sundays" (338) In "Everyday

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