Evangelism In The Lamb Book Of Life

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“If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay. If Hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go unwarned or unprayed for” (Spurgeon 13). Too often Christians think they are exempt from sharing the Gospel because the power of salvation rests in God’s hands, which is true, but God uses means. “We should stop excusing ourselves from evangelism on the basis that God is sovereign” (The Gospel and Personal Evangelism 28). Many people think because God is in control and already has an elect, that Christians can neglect their calling to witness. “Maybe, when it comes down to it, …show more content…

God’s plan of salvation cannot be thwarted. Calvinism states that since the beginning of time, God has chosen a people of His own, not because of any foreseen merit in them, but because of His sovereign good pleasure. This doctrine almost seems cruel, as if people are void of the opportunity to be saved, because there is already a fixed number of saints in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Believers alike would agree that not every person will be saved, but rather all have the opportunity to come to Christ. Some choose to reject the grace of God in exchange for their …show more content…

He has some valid arguments against God, so what can prove him wrong? Descartes reasoned and concluded that if he was an imperfect being, and he cannot describe a perfect being perfectly, then God exists (Cowan and Spiegel 23). Believers struggle with who God really is which affects the way they view themselves and others. God is not just harsh and law-bounding in the Old Testament, and He is not just all loving in the New Testament. Dawkins projected himself in the character of God. To him, He is those things, but Christians and even some unbelievers will see it differently. In one of his sermons, Pastor Michael clearly proved that how one views their sin will determine whether they resent or revere the justice of God

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