Ethical Dilemmas: The Night Shift Nurse

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I have worked in an acute care hospital for almost four years and I have seen many things that I consider questionable and that goes against my ethics both as a person and a nurse. One of those dilemmas that I recently encountered was a nurse who made a mistake about administering a medication and was wondering what to do about it. Her excuse was that it was the night shift nurse that should have carried out the order and that since she was on the day shift she was not at fault. Come to find out, she was just too busy to check the patients order because it was entered during shift change and that the night shift nurse did in fact let her know about the order. Since the night shift nurse was not there to defend herself, no one could question what happened at the time. The only reason why the truth was exposed was because the night nurse happened to come in for another shift and the physician of the patient mentioned …show more content…

Everyone makes mistakes, so it is perfectly fine to admit to it. I feel that if you make a mistake and do not say anything, the consequence will be far worse then actually taking ownership of your actions and letting them know you have learned from it. Now this can be taken a step further. Who do you tell? Do you tell the physician, your manager, or the patient? The answer is everybody needs to know. Especially if it affects the patient. A simple mistake can greatly impact the patient by choosing not to disclose the event. Depending on the situation, it can even cost the patient their life. We also have to protect ourselves. Our license that we worked so hard to earn and maintain will be put in jeopardy. Our license holds great value and should not be put on the line due to ones pride. We should not be afraid to seek help in aiding us on when or how to reveal our mistake. We should also be humble enough to seek advise on how to fix or prevent a similar mistake from happening again in the

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