Essay On Why Was The American Revolution Inevitable

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The American Revolution: Inevitable? I believe it was possible for the American Revolution to be avoided, but to an extent. I do not believe British efforts to create a true empire could have worked because the colonies had for many years been moving toward autonomy and were unwilling to accept the sort of imperial structure and dependency the British government tried to establish at the end of the Seven Years War. In the other hand, I could easily see an arrangement under which Americans would have remained part of the empire. Ultimately, if offered such an arrangement in the first months of the war, I believe various of Americans would have happily accepted it. To begin with, I’m almost certain that a careful diplomacy could of easily prevented the war. If the British took the colonists opinion into consideration and had just repealed all the taxes, and offensive Acts and apologized, the US wouldn't have gone into a war they were probably going to lose. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case and the British weren’t going to give the colonists the independence they sought for, but if they would have the war would easily have been avoided. I do take this point into consideration, but I highly disagree because if the British and the colonists had come to a consensus, then I’m sure the colonists would have forgotten everything that happened in the past. Yes, they were upset at the British, but they were frightened of the fact that they were going to war and if the British had come to them with some sort of deal than most of them would've probably taken it in a heartbeat. They just needed to come up with the right plan at the right time and things would’ve ended up differently. At the end of the day, it’s highly likely that things could've changed with a simple

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