Essay On Why Kids Shouldn T Use Social Media

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“Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived both positively and negatively.” (Amy Jo Martin) One reason students and adolescents should not use social media is because kids are losing sleep and it is causing depression. Another reason kids shouldn’t use social media is because it could cause dangers to people’s lives. Lastly, sexting can cause the kids to get into trouble like getting a felony in child pornography. Students should not use social media because it can cause depression, it is dangerous, and kids could be sexting. Teens should not use social media because they could be sexting and since they’re only kids it can get them into a lot of trouble. In source 2, paragraph 14 it states, “Some teens who have engaged in sexting have been threatened or charged with felony child pornography charges.” This is important because while kids are sexting there could be …show more content…

In source 1, paragraph 3, it states, “Doctors are hearing more and more about the damage being caused by social media, said Pate.” It may be true that damage has been caused by social media, but not everyone gets affected by it. Most people just like being on social media to follow their friends and families and their favorite celebrities. In source 1, paragraph 9 its states, “They may start comparing their lives to those of people on social media.” Some people may start comparing their lives to other “successful” people and they start to feel insecure about their lives, but most people disagree with this because since people don’t really worry about other people’s lives. Since most people are good with their own lives they don’t worry about small things like having to compare themselves to other people on social media. In conclusion, some people feel insecure about themselves and compare themselves to other people on social media, but other don’t care at

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