Essay On Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

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Should college athletes get paid while in school? The schools are allowing the athletes to enroll because of their athletic talent of playing football. They got his uniform and practice gear covered because of high academic achievements. Also, they are looked at by college scouts based on what they see on a football field. College football should be paid because of the time and energy they devote on and off of the football field, so they can play at the college/university he desires. Playing football is not P.E. but it’s a job ( The NCAA has modernized to take full advantage of the new kinds of media. It takes around $11 billion dollar every year ( Even though money is going around them, the players receive nothing ( It’s being given to the industry. The NCAA says, “It is their tradition” ( If football players were paid, it would teach the financial responsibilities. Under the new college football playoff system, the five power conferences will make a minimum of fifty million dollars each. ( The money can also persuade people to stay in school and risk their life by putting it on the line. Crime rates will slightly decline because of the percentage of people who play football but corruption reducing. College athletes on full scholarships do not necessarily …show more content…

The University of Texas generated over $100 million in revenue in 2011 ($104 million), marketing the first time in history the $100 million barrier eclipsed. Meanwhile, the players are expected to labor as slaves without a cut. It is like telling people they are hired to work for a company but get zero funds in return for doing what they do.( "College athletes should not get paid"). These individuals risk one hundred percent their time, getting separated from seeing their loved ones to get their education, and playing the sport they

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