Essay On Why Canada Became A Country

586 Words2 Pages

July 1st 1867 marks the date of Canada’s birth, the day Canada became a country. Since its birth, Canada has been the greatest country to exist. Don’t agree? There are some reasons where you can argue with my opinion, but here are just 3 of many reasons why Canada is the greatest/best country to live in. Those 3 reasons being Canada’s amazing healthcare plan, the economy in Canada, and the safety in the country.

The first reason of why Canada is one of the greatest countries to live in is, our health care. Health care in Canada is delivered through a publicly funded health care system, which is mostly free at the point of use. It is guided by the plans of the Canada Health Act. The government assures the quality of care through federal standards. That being said, everyone in Canada has full equal access to the same high level of care. Unlike the the U.S and some other countries, no citizen is denied of access to healthcare. Aside the benefit of no cost healthcare, we have excellent standard of care. For example; U.S has more rate of “negative outcome” with diagnosed cancer patients and other related vascular diseases (diseases in your blood vessels network). Therefore, …show more content…

Canada enjoys a very stable Gross Domestic Product (GDP) this keeps our ranking in the top 8 of the world at a very high level. It may not seem important, this allows us to compete on the world market for goods and services at a very high ratio. This keeps our currency at higher trading levels, which keep wages at a level that helps support Canadians. Our Dollar, the loonie is a very stable investment world wide. It is currently devalued due to the change in the world oil market, however it is still much stronger and a great investment for other countries to keep their own economy stable. Without a strong economy, Canadians would not have the high quality of life that we all

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