Essay On The Rise And Fall Of The French

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The Rise and Fall of the French in North America With the discovery of the New World, people raced across the Atlantic Ocean to claim land that would help them achieve their goals. The french being one of the many people to do so. Like everything in the world nothing comes easy, everything comes with a cost or a fight. It cost the French their land they managed to accomplish and a fight that made them lose all. The french had it difficult from the discovery, the expanding, and the competing of land with their rival. The discovery of the St. Lawrence River happened in 1534 when the French King sent Cartier to look for a Northwest passage. This area was named New France. In 1608, an associate of the company of New France named ,Samuel De Champlain, formed a settlement in Quebec to help expand the French Fur Trade. It was difficult for the fur traders to do their job because of the very low population the area had. This was when the Company of New France tried to send settlers in 1627, but it was never accomplished. The expanding of the French land all started when the settlers turned …show more content…

Some of the disputed settlements or areas where the Ohio Valley and the Northern Waters near the St. Lawrence River. In the late 1700’s the French attacked British trading settlements on the coast of Newfoundland. This resulted badly for the French because the British gained total power over the Newfoundland. The French built a fortress but was later besieged by the British. After a war the fortress is returned to the French again. The interest in the Ohio Valley causes both the French and the British to start the French and Indian War in 1754. The conflicts between the two later on caused the Seven Years war in 1756. It concluded with the British victory that caused the french to give up all of their territories that brought an end to the French Empire in North

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