Essay On Thanksgiving

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With Thanksgiving fast approaching, many families will be visiting their local supermarkets to prepare for a hearty dinner. While those supermarkets are gearing up for the annual Thanksgiving rush, many meal programs around Toronto are also preparing for an extra bunch of visitors. 13 percent of Canadians do not have reliable access to sufficient amounts of food, and for many, food banks are essential to meet basic needs. If Thanksgiving is inspiring you to give back to the world around you, here are five options that you can choose from.
1. Volunteer at your local food bank, food pantry, or soup kitchen.
Food banks are often in need of volunteers to package and store donated food. Volunteers at a food pantry may package food for distribution, or sometimes even deliver the food packages themselves. At a soup kitchen, a volunteer may help to cook, serve, or clean up a meal. If you are passionate about giving back to your community, please …show more content…

Donate food or money to your local food bank.
Help food banks stock up for the huge demand that comes around for the holidays. While donations of any kind are appreciated, monetary donations are preferred over food donations. Food banks can often get food for cheaper prices, so the same amount of money can go a bit further.
3. Connect with someone you haven’t contacted for a while.
Though you can give back to the community during Thanksgiving, make sure to keep your family in mind! If there is a relative or an old friend that you know you haven’t called in a while, take the time to contact them and ask about how they are doing. Show them that you care, and spread a little love during Thanksgiving.
4. Visit a retirement home.
Some residents may not have the chance to see family members this holiday. Talking to someone and brightening their day can go a long way. Ensure that you visit during appropriate hours. Perhaps you can even bring a little gift as a conversation starter!
5. Show your friends and family that you

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