Essay On Substitute Care

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Pam: What are Substitute Care Services? Substitute Care Services generally refer to state sponsored programs through Child Welfare Departments that provide care, support and legal advocacy for foster children. Substitute care refers to out-of-home placement, such as foster homes and group homes, which are certified and managed through the state’s Child Welfare Department. Substitute Care Types Foster care systems and services temporarily meet the needs of displaced children by providing them with substitute care in certified foster homes. Children become displaced when neither the birth parents nor the extended family can meet the child’s safety and developmental needs. Some foster homes only offer temporary placement services for foster children who were recently removed, or in the process of being moved out of …show more content…

Many times, the parents themselves grew up in the foster care system, or they have extensive drug use, criminal history and chaotic lifestyles. CPS workers are generally expected to set up safety plans with parents and work with family to first make important changes. When parents repeatedly fail or refuse to change for the sake and safety of their children, CPS workers legally remove the children and place them with foster parents. The goal of foster care is to provide everyday care, support and normalcy to meet the child’s ongoing developmental needs. It is an unfortunate fact that many foster children change placements a few times a year or even monthly. This occurs when certain children have severe behavioral problems, such as running away, harming other children or engaging in unsafe and illegal activities. However, many foster parents strive to help the foster child deal with the pain and loss of living with their parents through incorporating them into their family

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