Essay On Sickle Cell Disease

820 Words2 Pages

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is an inherited blood disorder. People with SCD produce an abnormal hemoglobin can cause the red blood cells to have sickle or banana shape instead of round like donuts. While normal red blood cell move freely through blood vessels, sickle blood cells clog the flow of blood and can break apart as they move through blood vessels. People who are having SCD will often suffer with severe pain, anemia and stroke because sickle red blood cells do not deliver oxygen throughout the body as well as normal red blood cells do. SCD is one of the most common causes of childhood stroke. In the U.S SCD is most commonly found among African-American or persons of African descent. About 1 in every 365 African-American babies in the U.S is born with SCD; and worldwide, approximately 300,000 babies are born with SCD each year. Certain factors are more likely to trigger a painful sickle cell crisis such as: infection, cold and/or damp conditions, air pollution, dehydration, extreme physical activity, stress, and sudden changes in temperature. Complaint of pain or discomfort, fever, paleness, weakness or fatigue, changes in breathing and swelling are signs and symptoms of sickle cell crisis. Parents and teacher need to know all the signs …show more content…

Besides educate teachers, parents and children about sickle cell crisis, the school nurse can create a plan call 504 plan to ensure safe environment in school for child with SCD. 504 plan requires that a child with special healthcare needs, be provided with ways to participate in general education programs. Children with SCD are allow to have unlimited visits to school nurse’s office, have an extra set of books for home (in case they are out sick), more frequent bathroom breaks, adequate access to water so they can stay hydrate all

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