Essay On Police Skiping

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Everyday police officers put their lives on the line to protect their respected communities. As of 2017, there have been a reported 23 line of duty deaths among police officers in the country. These deaths can range from old age to cops being attacked. This essay is about what happens when police officers do not show up to work. It seems now a days cop killings are becoming the norm. It also seems that a partner accompanies these officers. Imagine yourself as a police officer going to work in the world we live in now and not having someone to watch your six. Imagine going into an area with people who don’t like cops. You’d be terrified! As you go on patrol in that exact neighborhood, you start sweating; you can feel your fingers gripping …show more content…

Where this ties in to my previous paragraph is being responsible. I plan on joining a career field where you must be in work 24/7, you never know when that call may happen. Me skipping tech is a perfect mirror affect on what happens when I don’t show up. Translate that into a real world situation, I could have been that cops partner who was sitting on the couch while he was dying in the street. There is no room for error in this lifestyle. You either need to commit yourself fully or find a different job. In life, things are not handed to you, you have to go out and take, and you also never know when that last day is coming up. As a police officer you need to be counted on and accountable everyday because you are the man or woman who is upholding the law and keeping communities (as well as yourself) safe. Being responsible means showing up for work on time. Getting a paper handed in. being there for a partner or a friend. As I write this I realize that I haven’t been the most truthful or responsible person on the planet. I need to apply myself to be a better, more truthful, responsible adult because I only have 3 more months left till it’s all over. Hopefully by reading this you can accept my

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