Essay On Obesity In America

590 Words2 Pages

Obesity in America, and what it is doing to Children

Obesity in America has become a national problem for most people today, with there being deaths each year because of people with problems related to eating too much. America is the highest ranked state that has the problem with obesity. There are more obese people in America then in other states. Americans are always eating junk food everywhere in the United States, and they are obese. If we give those foods to children, via school lunches, they will become increasingly obese by every meal. We are giving children the food for money, the children get money from the parent, and the parent has less money to spend on more important things than junk food that might be wasted.

Junk food in schools are mostly sugary snacks that have little to no nutrition whatsoever. The real foods kids need to be eating is fruits, and vegetables in the meals they naturally get. The children also need time, in order to actually eat the foods they get, not hurry and buy junk food as a substitute for something that will give them energy. If they had the time, then the kids who struggle to finish their lunches that have been packed, will most likely take time and actually enjoy their meal and eat. Not all students in the cafeteria are able to have a well-packed lunch, so they would …show more content…

Buying junk food from schools could help give money back to the school, as a form of fundraising without getting a lot of people involved. Scholastic raises a good point for people not getting rid of junk food. “Students who may start having an obesity problem would most likely start learning about the many ways of staying fit, and eating healthy so that they won’t have a problem again” It’s true that kids bring their own junk food from home, but it might be good that they bring it because if the schools take it away, the kids will bring it

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