Essay On Nurse Burnout

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The problem in the previous paper addresses whether or not short staffing in a hospital setting contributes to an increased number of nurse burnout. The focus of my groups work is to identify relevant causes that contribute to a nurse burnout and the interventions with providing evidence based research. The significance of this issue is that nurse burnout has contributed to numerous adverse affects in a hospital environment. When a unit is short staffed it creates a nurse more stress and responsibilities that contributes to participating in workarounds which are “short cuts”. If the nursing interventions are not done per procedure then there can be associated complications. “According to the Michigan Nurses Association, short staffing is connected …show more content…

“This literature review explores the effect that nurse staffing patterns have on the frequency of medical errors, fatigue, and nurse burnout (Garrett, 2008, p.1191)”. A concept that is relevant to this study would include nurse sensitive concepts. Houser stated that nurse sensitive concepts include but are not limited to burnout, medication errors as well as patient falls (Houser, 2015). All these concepts are relevant in this one article which discusses studies that have been done to provide evidence based research. “Variables included total staff member work hours and nurse-sensitive outcome rates for CLIs, pressure ulcers, medication errors, falls and restraint application duration rates (ie, duration for use of mechanical restraints)(Garrett, 2008, p.1197).” The technique that was used in this research was the quantitative method. The text book defines quantitative research as “a traditional approach to research in which variables are identified and measured in a reliable and valid way” (Houser, 2015). This study that was conducted identified variables as stated above as well as collected data from diverse units of hospitals to analyze separately to measure the outcomes. The participants of this study included ninety five patient care units from ten adult acute care hospitals for this sample. The instrument used by the researcher was from an observational form that …show more content…

The first article did provide evidence, although it was quite difficult to find significant data in the second article. The first article supplies data that does link understaffed nursing units to increase number of negative patient outcomes. Since the second article did not provide an efficient amount of evidence I need to find another article that does provide statistics for the original question. The next step is to provide evidence based research on interventions that could limit the amount of cases related to nurse burnout. Two questions that would help guide the groups work would be 1. What interventions are relevant in reducing the nurse’s workload and responsibilities in order to prevent exhaustion that can lead to nurse burnout? 2. What interventions can be provided by the employer to introduce to nurses on ways to cope with stressful events as well as increased stress

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