Essay On National Honor Society

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To be considered for an organization of such high regard is quite the honor, and I can only hope that my efforts meet the high standards of the National Honor Society. This would be an honor because it is well known that the NHS does so much for our community, and I hope that I can leave a positive lasting impact on my community. NHS inductees must have high scholastic merit while also having a laudable character, both of which I possess. Throughout my high school career I have strived to better myself with every day, and being accepted into the National Honor Society would make every second worth it. To begin I will address some of the service I have done for the local community. As a young adult I am blessed to have my health so I thought …show more content…

Although some are born intellectually inclined most intellectuals have gained their knowledge from staying devoted to constantly progressing their knowledge of all things. I feel as though I fit into the latter category. I came from a humble background where higher standards of education were not of high regard. I was born Amish so neither of my parents had even graduated high school. This served as somewhat of an inspiration for me to do as well as I possibly could have so that I could not only be the first in my family to graduate from high school, but also be amongst the best of my graduating class. I feel that being inducted to the National Honor Society would help fulfill my goal and make my parents incredibly proud. I have always had fantastic grades, and have always taken the more challenging classes. In my junior year of high school I decided to take both of the AP courses available to me, not because I needed to but because I wanted to. I would’ve felt ashamed to settle for anything but the best. I found myself working harder than ever in those classes to make sure I could retain the knowledge necessary to do exceptionally well throughout the year. I not only met my academic goals that year, I crushed

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