Essay On Mandatory Military Draft

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The Draft In the past many believed that men should fight in the military for their country or nation. The Greeks and the Roman’s believed in this mandatory draft and so did some of the Americans at the birth of our country. One of the founding fathers of our nation even believed in the mandatory draft. America does have a draft, but this draft only occurs when our country in in a great time of war, like during World War II. In my opinion the mandatory draft should be part of our American lives for these reasons. The first reason that Americans should reinstate the draft is it would teach great life lessons. One of these lessons would be how to really respect the thing called life. Some Americans do not appreciate life to its fullest and if they are in the military, where they have a higher chance of losing their lives, then they will not be so willing to do dangerous things. Also the military can help teach how to perform these dangerous things the correct way instead of the idiot trying to do something cool, but die in the process because he did not do it right. …show more content…

America has many shooting in it and many people die because of some wacko with a gun. The military would give these wackos a chance to fire a weapon for their country and get them out of the states away from citizens. Also if they decide to fire their weapon randomly around their camp there are many people around that know exactly how to stop him letting the innocent live instead of getting shot up. And if the same wackos decide to shoot things up because they saw it on television and wanted to try it then they have a chance while they are serving their country not hurting

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