Essay On Kinesiology

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Before this semester, I had little knowledge regarding the field of kinesiology. Prior to this course I believed kinesiology was simply the study of body mechanics; however, there is so much more to the subject. I was never aware of the various aspects of human movement and how significant its role is in our everyday functions. I was not able to comprehend the full scale of kinesiology. It involves diet, exercise, and even environmental factors. Prior to this course, I thought that kinesiology was only useful for athletes. I now understand that kinesiology affects everyone from athletes to the elderly.

After this semester I truly believe that kinesiology is one of the most valuable areas of study, especially for students who are seeking to join the healthcare field. Anyone who is interested in becoming a physician, I definitely recommend them to gain a deeper understanding of the field. From what I've learned in this course, kinesiology looks at all aspects of one's life to help promote wellness, and that should be the mindset of all physicians. Not only should they be promoting wellness, but they should also take a look at the whole picture. …show more content…

I still would highly recommend learning more about kinesiology. Many of the aspects taught in this course are applicable to everyday health. We can use the tips and tricks we learned in this course to achieve out ultimate goal of becoming healthier individuals. I can honestly say that I have applied the information I learned in this course to my everyday life. For example, I think about the FITT principle when I work out. FITT stands for frequency, intensity, time, and type. I think about how long I should work out, how often I train, how intense I train, and what exercises I do in order to improve myself. Even small aspects such at that, go a long way in helping me reach my

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